Town of Becket Finance Committee
April 29, 2010 Minutes
Joint Meeting with Select Board
FinCom Present: Ann Spadafora, Amy Fyden, Mike Falk, Jeremy Dunn
FinCom Absent: Steve LaBelle
SelectBoard : Bill Cavanaugh, John Murray, George Fuller (first 30 mins)
Other Town Officials: Tony Blair, Bruce Garlow, Nina Weiler, Jim Kupernik (first 30 mins)
Public: Madeleine Swindlehurst
Meeting was called to order @ 7:00pm
- Ambulance Capital Expense
Tony Blair presented pro/con of replacing Ambulance chassis v. buying new ambulance
Jim Kupernik gave additional info re height requirements of new ambulance (must match height of stretcher); repair history; likely trade-in value of current ambulance; discounts; etc.
Discussion of likely debt period (3 years); first payment due in FY2012 which overlaps 2nd year of debt service for Yokum Pond Rd. bridge replacement.
Broad agreement that replacing chassis only is no longer the best decision. Rig is 9 years old.
Proposal is to eliminate previously-proposed Article 12A from Warrant (for replacing chassis only); change Article 12 to state “up to $150,000” and to include language giving Select Board permission to sell or trade existing rig.
Passed Unanimously FinCom & SelectBoard
(Jim Kupernik & George Fuller left meeting)
- review of all other changed Articles on proposed warrant
slight modifications made to some items; all changes approvec by FinCom & SelectBoard
Due to receipt of > $500,000 in Federal grants, Becket was required to have a “single audit” in FY10. This cost ~$4,000.
Request to transfer $3,000 from Reserve -> Audit Acct to make up the shortfall.
This leaves $4,630 in Reserve.
Unanimously approve
- FinCom presentation at ATM
Mike will prepare remarks, but may need to be absent for family reason. If he is not present, another FinCom member will deliver the remarks
Tony announced he is likely to propose a STM meeting in June to address year-end transfers and other issues.
Adjourned @ 8:12pm.
Respectfully Submitted
Jeremy Dunn